Select a video guide below to learn how to navigate through Student Learning & Licensure (SL&L) by Watermark. Each video is 1-3 minutes in length.
Logging in to SL&L: Video Guide
- SL&L Login Page
- Tip: After selecting the ‘Send Link’ button, you should see a confirmation message stating that the link was sent. If you do not see this message, try selecting the ‘Send Link’ button again.
Completing the Key Assessment- University Supervisor Observation: Video Guide
- Please complete this Key Assessment as a final observation of the teacher candidate’s student teaching experience.
- Tip: Once you complete the Key Assessment for your candidate, SL&L will update the submission from 0/2 to 1/2. If you see 1/2, this means you completed the Key Assessment successfully.
Contact Information for SL&L Assistance
Watermark Customer Service
- Phone: (800) 311-5656
Follow the menu prompts to be transferred to SL&L support.
Hours: Monday-Thursday 7am-8pm and Friday 7am-6pm (Central)
BSU Contact
Erika Adams, PhD
Assessment Research Analyst
Office of Teacher Education
- Email:
- Phone: (218) 755-4615